I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

As you may have read in previous blog posts, one of our cats is fond of crapping outside her litter box. Every morning I'm greeted with another pile, and there doesn't seem to be anything we can do to convince her to "think inside the box."

The other day we were watching TV and I got up to go to the kitchen. Cosmo asked me to check the bathroom because he had heard the cat rustling around in there. Sure enough, there was a turdtastic little pile for me.

As I bent over to pick them up with a wad of toilet paper, I noticed that they were kind of shiny. I figured they were very fresh. As I picked them up, I realized that I had was the victim of a cruel practical joke by my darling boyfriend. They were chocolate-covered pistachio nuts from Trader Joe's.

Hook, line, and sinker.


Anonymous said...

Our poor older kitty (15 years) is missing the box (he's blind now). We put down "puppy pads" around the box.

Jennifer George said...

Perhaps I was unclear. The punchline is that Cosmo tricked me with the pistachio nuts, which look remarkably like cat turds. Turdtastic turds in fact. Feel free to use the word.